Mona Lavender prefers a soil pH of 5.6 to 6.0 (acidic) to 6.1. to 6.5 (mildly acidic). Grow it indoors or in a pot outdoors in the spring, where it will receive morning sun and full shade, as well as enjoy the blooms and ornamental foliage. In planting beds, tuck plants into Read more, Mona Lavender enjoys a rich soil with plenty of extra compost. However, make sure the soil drains well to avoid root rot. They are just easy to find. Glossy, ovate, dark green leaves are purplish below. Which plectranthus mona lavender like humidity? Mona Lavender Plectranthus blooms year-round in Florida and features dark purple stems with deep lavender blooms. Outdoors, tuck this pretty purple plectranthus into a spot with part sun to light shade. You expect to find spikes of lavender-purple blooms on black stems in late summer and . However, it is generally advised to err on the side of caution and assume that it is poisonous. There is no way to get rid of frost. Plectranthus Barbatus is a perennial plant that grows to around 45 60 cm tall with four angled, branching stems and hairy nodes. Unlike many members of the genus Plectranthus, this hybrid is in fact primarily grown for its attractive lavender flowers which appear over a long bloom period. Swedish ivy (Plectranthus verticillatus) While the traditional English ivy plant is toxic to dogs, this creeping beauty is just as prolific and easy to care for. Plectranthus Mona Lavender ingestion should be treated immediately. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. It is a colorful and attractive plant that can be found in the garden all year long. The majority won't cause much more than an upset stomach, and most dogs won't eat plants that are poisonous to them. This beautiful perennial can be grown in a variety of locations, including the indoors, where it can be used as a simple houseplant or as a shrubby perennial. The flowers are bright purple, with a sweet fragrance. The shiny dark green leaves are ornamental with purple undersides. Sow seeds shallowly in seed starting formula. There are many types of lavender, and each will respond to the amount of water in a different way. Is Mona lavender poisonous to dogs? A light pruning after flowering will help to maintain a neat shape and encourage denser growth of foliage. Lavender exposure can have a minor effect on anxiety, depression . Emily has been gardening for over 20 years and has been involved in the herbalism community for just as long. Apricot flesh is safe for dogs. Mona Lavender flowers when days are 12 hours or less in length, but will be delayed by light pollution at night and high night temperatures. Growing "Mona Lavender" should be a pleasure for any gardener as it is relatively adaptable and trouble free. How much sunlight do plectranthus mona lavender plants need? It is quite a thirsty plant, so water every few days to keep it fresh and turgid. Bad foods. Freshly cut Plectranthus x 2 cuttings for $3 . 1. Plectranthus mona lavender can be propagated by stem cuttings. From Summer to Autumn blue to lilac flower spikes appear to add even more interest to this delightful shade dwelling plant. This variety, Read More How Do You Care For Plectranthus Ciliatus?Continue, Is Plectranthus Madagascariensis edible? Mona lavender is toxic to cats. However, some garden plants can be lethal to dogs. Root rot is most likely to blame if your plant does not recover after watering. When it receives a temperature of 25 to 30 degrees Fahrenheit, it should be able to withstand it. If your cat ingests toxic holiday plants, contact a veterinarian immediately. Make sure to harden it off first by giving the plant increasingly longer visits to outdoor conditions over a week or two. The Anthurium plant contains insoluble calcium oxalate crystals which can be very irritating to the mouth, throat, and GI tract. Dont use any other lavender varieties if you have dogs or cats. The Mona lavender will grow best when provided with both regular and even moisture. Place the flats or pots in a bright location (but out of direct sunlight) at a temperature of 70 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Is Plectranthus Take 4- to 6-inch cuttings from the tips of healthy plants. by Emily Rascoe | Nov 13, 2022 | Safety & Bugs. When trimmed properly, hardy varieties can survive for around 15 years (as many as 20 years, in some cases). Preferring bright, but indirect light, Swedish ivy produces small purple and white flowers during the spring and summer months if the conditions are right. The flower show begins in northern regions as the days cool down in the summer, and then cool down again in the fall. By periodically taking stem clippings and rooting them to create new plants, you can continue to enjoy Plectranthus plants indefinitely. The flowers are good served with salad or as a salad ingredient in their own right. The Spruce uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Trim the stem to 6 inches long, measuring from the top of the stem. Plectranthus blooms best when the days are short, as this is the case with a short-day plant. The herb aroma of the Plectranthus Tomentosa can be found in the form of a fragrant vine. plectranthus mona lavender how to grow them? In spring 2000, plectranthus was one of the plants of focus at the University of Florida trials and showcased Also, cut off flower spikes when flowers have faded to encourage more blooms. There is little to no information available about the toxicity of plectranthus mona lavender. The plant will die if it is exposed to the sun, in direct sunlight, or in dry soil. Instead, it forms a neat, low shrub with an upright, erect habit. Provide bright indirect light and daytime temperatures of 50-80F throughout the growing season, water your potting mix when the top one-third is dry to the touch, withhold fertilizer while your plant is in flower during the short days of the year, and pinch the stems to maintain a bushy rounded Mona Lavender is a plant that is ideal for those who enjoy the beauty of plants without the hassle of watering or caring for them because it prefers partial shade in humusy moist soil with good drainage. Plectranthus Mona Lavender may take several years to begin flowering after being sown in the spring, but it will be one of your bountys largest producers once they begin. The leaves are large and elliptical, and arranged in opposite pairs on square stems. It displays the parental traits of both plants, with both vibrant leaves and lavender blossoms. Although it lacks the distinct scent of those fragrant roses, it does have a strong scent that can be described as rich with color, whether you enjoy its abundant lavender-purple blooms or its dark green leaves with a purple underside. Lavandula contains a trace amount of linalool, a toxic substance that can poison dogs and cats. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Symptoms of intestinal obstruction usually occur around 24 hours after the consumption of something indigestible. A light pruning after flowering will help maintain a neat shape and encourage denser growth of foliage. The scaredy cat plant, also known by the scientific name Plectranthus Caninus, as well as Coleus Caninus, is a member of the mint family Lamiaceae, which also includes dead nettle and sage plants. What is the best fertilizer for plectranthus mona lavender? Attach images - Only PNG, JPG, JPEG and GIF are supported. This protects both the dog and the garden. Use the amount recommended on the package for the pot size. Curiously, many foods eaten by people are dangerous for dogs: onions apricot kernels With its fall-through-winter bloom period, Plectranthus is normally grown as an indoor houseplant or potted patio plant, except in regions with very mild winters, where it takes on the role of a shrubby, broadleaf evergreen plant that flowers through the winter. Known as the shade lover, 'Mona Lavender' likes semi-shade in locations protected from frost. Some symptoms of appetite loss and lethargy are caused by a variety of diseases, including gastroenteritis, dietary indiscretion, kidney disease, and pancreatitis. The soil should be kept moist but not wet, as this will cause the roots to rot and damage the plant. Suspend the cutting in a jar of clean water and place in a location with bright indirect light (the cutting can also be immediately planted in a porous potting mix, if you prefer). The finest aspect of Plectranthus Mona Lavender perennial is how adaptable it is to both indoor and outdoor growing conditions. In planting beds, tuck plants into well-drained soil amended with organic matter. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, How To Dry Lavender For A Sachet: The Best Techniques For Preserving Fragrance And Color, Ease Stress And Anxiety With The Kashmir Lavender Essential Oil Composition, Adding French Flair To Your Meal: Creating Lavender Marans, Discover The Enchanting Colors Of Lavender Blossoms, Aromatic Bliss: Experiencing The Scent Of A Real Life Lavender Field. The plectrantus mona lavender plant is a beautiful and fragrant plant that is native to the Mediterranean region. Plectranthus Mona Lavender is an extremely hardy plant that can survive outdoors in climates as cold as USDA 10b or even 10c. The plants bloom in late summer and bloom into the winter months, making them a lovely addition to any garden. Though this plant prefers year-round temperatures of 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit, 'Mona Lavender' grown as a garden plant can briefly withstand light frosts and temperatures down to 25 or 30 degrees Fahrenheit. Check the soil frequently to prevent it from drying out. A weakened immune system can be the source of secondary illnesses that develop as a result of stress or underlying illness. Leaves color green in elliptic shape with serrated. Ingleburn, NSW. If ingested, it is advisable to seek medical attention immediately. Place the stem in a clear glass filled with water. This annual plant from the Plectranthus genus thrives all year, particularly in the fall and winter months. 'Mona Lavender' is a hybrid form of Plectranthus, originating from a 1990s cross between two South African perennial evergreen species, P. saccatus and P. hilliardiae ssp. This is a small shrub reaching 1-2 feet tall and wide. Flowers grow at the tips of new branches, so you'll get more blooms this way. Plectranthus 'Mona Lavender' is winter hardy in Zones 9b to 10 and withstands light frosts (temperatures down to 25 to 30 degrees F). However, it must serve as a foliage plant only in this case, as it does not flower until fall and winter. (Plectranthus plants are often known as spur flowers.) Although lavender itself is not poisonous to dogs, there are some circumstances in which eating lavender can be dangerous to your pet. UK Houseplants. There are many causes for bumps on the lips or chin, including acne, infections under the skin, allergies, and so on. Very easy to propagate this plant. Money Plants grow on tall spikes above their leaves, displaying glossy, bright green leaves and white to mauve flowers from March to July. Each leaf node submerged under the water will form roots. Plectranthus are extremely tough and tolerant to a . The ingestion of lavender oil can be slightly risky, so be sure to . Pests are sometimes more troublesome when 'Mona Lavender' is grown indoors as a houseplant. Plectranthus Mona Lavender will not be as fragrant as other Plectranthus varieties, but it still has an excellent scent to it that combines peppermint and oregano with an aromatic hint of sage. Stem tip cuttings should be taken in the spring or summer, and 4 to 5 cm (8 to 10 inches) should be taken. This 10-year-old cat is suffering from Proliferative Gingivitis and Pharyngitis. Plectranthus 'Mona Lavender' is a versatile coloured feature plant that flourishes in those traditionally hard-to-plant shaded areas. During the short days when 'Mona Lavender' is flowering, it is best to withhold fertilizer, resuming when the flowering begins to taper off. The full flower spikes are produced in masses and colours can vary from pink to purple or white. Mona Lavender gets a rich, organic soil that is free of microorganisms. Is Plectranthus poisonous? Lavender oil, which is found in some cat litter and cat toys, is also generally safe when added to products designed for your cat. plectranthus mona lavender when to cut back? When should I prune Plectranthus? Most salvia species are non-toxic, particularly those that thrive in gardens like the common perennial species May Night. Consuming lavender is not recommended for cats due to the presence of linalyl acetate and linalool, both of which can causegastrointestinal upset. A spot that receives bright, indirect light is ideal for this perennial, preferably receiving some direct morning sun. Numerous spikes of lavender coloured flowers begin to appear from late summer through autumn . Mona Lavender is a vigorous, upright, herbaceous perennial with lavender-colored flowers. Mona Lavender originates from South Africa and was, in fact, bred at the famous Kirstenbosh Botanical Garden in Capetown. A Plectranthus Mona Lavender upright stems are densely covered with dark green ovate leaves with curved edges, making them an excellent choice for outdoor planting. Avocado. Why does my plectranthus mona lavender keep dying? Dig a hole at least 30 inches from the first planted "Mona Lavender" if you'd like to show off the distinct shape and spread of each plant. The striking tubular flowers with spikes of lavender appear from late summer through to autumn. Put a 1-inch layer of potting soil in the bottom of a plant pot. It has dark green, glossy leaves with intensely purple undersides and sprays of lavender colored flowers dashed with purple markings. Poisoning with lavender is possible and may result in vomiting, decreased appetite, and other symptoms. People use Plectranthus Mona Lavender as a touchable bouquet or centerpiece while enjoying home-cooked meals. 'Mona Lavender' is a cold-sensitive plant that is very often grown as a houseplant, but in zones 10 and 11, it can be planted in the garden in the spring as a perennial, where it serves as a broadleaf evergreen plant that blooms as summer days shorten and into winter. It features glossy, dark green leaves with a deep purple underside and sprays of lavender flowers with purple patterns. Despite the fact that some species can grow in the full sun, the best places for them to grow are in partial shade. The striking tubular flowers with spikes of lavender appear from late summer through to autumn. Plectranthus Velvet Elvis (Plectranthus saccatus) has stunning dark green leaves covered with fine purple hairs and a nearly black on the underside of the leaf. The shiny dark green leaves are ornamental with purple undersides. Lavandula contains a trace amount of linalool, a toxic substance that can poison dogs and cats. Can plectranthus mona lavender be planted in the ground? When crushed, it emits a strong oregano aroma, hence the other common name Cuban oregano. 'Mona Lavender' thrives indoors as a houseplant and also makes for a no-fuss shrubby perennial when planted outdoors in warm climates. This can vary according to the soil type, weather conditions and plant size. Flowers on this lavender plant bloom in spikes of up to 6 inches long. $ 3 'll get more blooms this way, tuck plants into more! Soil frequently to prevent it from drying out measuring from the Plectranthus genus thrives all year long for 3... Our articles be planted in the garden all year long? Continue, is Plectranthus Madagascariensis edible has involved! Has been gardening for over 20 years and has been gardening for over years! 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