Fund prices and performance Get up-to-date fund information and performance, please click on the fund range that applies to you. Your client wont make any investment losses or gains. This includes data relating to: Bulk Data admin assign this role to a user with firm or branch level access if you want them to be able to set up the files Bulk Data users can view and the third-party systems the data is to be passed to. You can do this by signing into the Aegon Platform and selectingManage income from fundsfor each product. Download our guides below to find out more. These are shown below, please contact your firm administrator orusto find out the different permissions each role has. Did you know you can transfer in an ISA online. Can I carry out regular contribution transactions online for my clients Suffolk LifeAnnuities or Trustees pension? You should let us know what youd like us to do with the account, any instruction (not submitted online) should be signed by all relevant directors/signatories. For financial advisers - Use this form to set up the recurring switch from the cash facility with Aegon. On designation or transfer of a scheme already crystallised. It may also be that the fund youre looking for isnt within the range that we offer for that product. Please select from the options below to get in touch with us. Can I be a servicing adviser and take fees from my client's account? You are currently on the Aegon Group corporate website. No. Please complete the appropriate form below and submit. Individual self-certification (PDF - 145KB). Or, if you want an easy-to-use investment strategy, take a look at our ready-made Risk-Managed Portfolios. For customers - Terms and conditions supplement for the Curtis Banks SIPP. Cofunds Pension Account additional contribution form (for existing clients). For any other transactions, please contact Curtis Banks. You can change your clients bank details using the form below. How your client does this will vary depending on their bank or building society. For this, you can switch your client's investment or change their cash top . If you've not been able to find what you're looking for, perhaps ourfrequently asked questionswill help, alternatively you cancontact us. This could also affect your experience when using our website or online systems. The same would apply for other roles such as 'Paraplanner'. Use this form to verify the identity of a private individual in relation to a Cofunds Pension Account application. Contact customer services to unlock your account if you've tried to sign in three or more times. SR43 4DJ, For Aegon and Scottish Equitable Pension and Bonds See more FAQs for Issues with your details, Aegon Platform improved transaction history (pdf), Junior investment ISA monthly savings amendment form (pdf), Suffolk Life self-invested pensions regular investment and amendment form, Granting an intermediary authority or appointment of intermediary form, Self-invested Personal Pension illustration data capture form, Junior Investment ISA monthly savings amendment f, Child Trust Fund to Junior ISA transfer application. We need to work with your current provider to make the transfer, this can sometimes take a little longer to process than most other transactions. 4,000 for a lifetime ISA. Simply choose the name of one of your product you want to view details on (e.g. If you dont have an adviser and are comfortable managing your own investments, you can contact us by web chat. Cofunds Pension Account Income Payment or Amendment Request (pdf), Uncrystallised Funds Pension Lump Sum Application form (pdf). Once verification is complete, you'll see a message on screen (and your client will receive an email) confirming if the payment was successful or not. You can find details of what happens to your State Pension when you die at Yes. For more information you can view the product literature onCanada Life Internationals website. There is nothing to stop an individual paying in more than their available annual allowance. Cofunds Pension Account additional contribution form (pdf), Cofunds Pension Account transfer request form (pdf), Cofunds Pension Account drawdown transfer request form (pdf). Well make payments at that point, usually within two working days, assuming theres enough money in the products cash facility. We will never ask you totell us your confidential passwords. Assuming there are no issues, your changes will show on our system shortly. Regardless of whether your clients select online or post as their preferred method, we'll always save a copy of the document to their online document store. For customers - Use this form to allow a change of registered contact on an Aegon JISA. 08130498. The cash facility associated with your product is designed as a short-term holding place for use when transferring savings from one fund to another, and for paying any charges. You can make payment by bank transfer using the details provided during the online journey. Reference please provide your plan number and surname on the back of the cheque so we can identify your account. Why cant I make withdrawals, top up or switch online when I sign in? Aegon UK phone number: 03456 081 680 Skip to navigation If you don't currently have access and would like to manage your account online, you can request online access to your account. Address:Aegonand Scottish Equitable Pensions and Bonds Complaints Team, Sunderland SR43 4DS, Need a bit more help finding your product? You can find more information about fees and charges in the product's relevant charges guides, available on our website. For financial advisers only - Use this form to capture the customer details needed to create a Aegon Sipp illustration. You can read our Fund protection summary or our frequently asked questions. Sorry, you cant carry outthis transaction online. Find out how your assets are protected with Aegon, and the levels of Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) available. To protect your privacy, our head office teams do not have access to your account information. The downside is that cash tends to have far less potential to grow than other investments and it can actually fall in value in real terms because of inflation. Generally considered the least volatile of all the main investment types. If you're unsure, you should seek financial advice or guidance - there may be a charge for this. For customers - This guide explains the key features of the Aegon SIPP. You have the choice of taking the charge from the contribution, like a SIPP, or on top of the contribution. Please complete the relevant form below andsubmit, or contact AJ Bell. Can I cancel my clientsDirect Debit for payment of charges? Whether you are DA, or want to join our Network, we will fully support you to grow your business and get the best results for your customers. If you continue, we'll assume you're happy to receive all cookies from the website. For customers - This guide explains the charges that could apply to your investment with us. Taxable income, pension income and interest on savings, most pension and savings interest income, plus any share, rental or trust income, less certain reliefs, The value of employer pension contributions, The amount of any excess tax relief on personal contributions to a net pay scheme, The amount of any employee pension contributions deducted from pay in relation to a net pay scheme. Look at our training guides to get started. Aegon Investment Limited (AIL) - statement of compliance*. We don't provide advice or personal recommendations and you should be comfortable with the decisions you're making. We'll automatically set up a GIA for you when you buy an Aegon ISA. If you dont want charges to reduce the value of your Aegon ISA, you can request that those charges are directed to be taken from your Aegon GIA. We dont currently offer online access for Junior Individual Savings Accounts (JISAs). The UK Stewardship Code is a set of principles that investment managers are expected to follow. St Johns Court, 70 St Johns Close, Knowle, West Midlands, B93 0NH, The Right Mortgage Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (no 649443). Yes, you can add these as an individual single or monthly contributions. Assuming there are no issues, your changes will show on our system shortly. As we only manage funds of funds, we do not invest directly in securities e.g. For financial advisers - In this guide we include the steps you need to take to inform us if your business experiences a novation. We subtract the total contributions in the current tax year from the allowance set by the government. Find out how an adviser can help support you. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our Changing your email address will also change your username for Aegon Platform. As the change happens after 6 April, your tax year end planning wont be affected. For financial advisers - This document provides the details required to make payments and contributions to products on the Aegon Platform. Our Aegon Dashboard is designed to help you add to, and manage your investments, giving you a greater understanding of your finances. Yes. If your clients are still prospects and dont have any products on platform, the record will be deleted. Aegon Platform document library Get Aegon Platform product literature, forms and other documents. You'll find these in each of the individual product dashboards. Cofunds pension account - transaction forms, CPA income payment or amendment request (PDF - 85KB), Use this form to take, amend or stop income payments through a Cofunds Pension Account in capped or flexi-access drawdown, CPA adviser charging application (PDF - 48KB). Download presentation (pdf) PDF 527 KB August 11, 2016. Alternatively, you can email them at reassuresipp@mercer.comor write to them at the following address: Can I top up my clients maxi ISA, mini ISA or PEP? (pdf), How do Imanage regular contibutions? Well use any available cash you hold, and then sell down any balance required from the largest available valued investment under your product. 20,000 for a stocks and shares ISA, cash ISA and innovative finance ISA. For customers - Use this form to confirm the details of an entity for tax purposes. Can the same email address be used for multiple accounts? For financial advisers - This document details the suitability and features of the Aegon SIPP. The email address on your Unipass Certificate isn't the same as the email address you use to sign in to your Aegon Dashboard. Junior Investment ISA monthly savings amendment form (PDF - 65KB). This money can be used to invest into funds, to pay charges or paid out to your bank account.. The minimum income payment we'll make is 2.50. When your existing certificate expires, youll need to follow these steps again to register your new certificate. Aegon SIPP Dividend payments and interest from your funds can be distributed to you as income, held as cash or reinvested back into the fund itself. You need to set up the third-party systems before data can be fed through. From here, you will be able to download the documents connected with your account. The Aegon Platform no longer provides services for the Portfolio Bond and for insured funds in the Portfolio Plus Pension and SIPP. Aegon SIPP record of payments due (PDF - 87KB), For employers - Use this form to set up member contributions to an Aegon SIPP, Aegon Self Invested Personal Pension (Aegon SIPP) pack (PDF - 255kb). For financial advisers - Use this form to confirm identities of third parties connected to a customer who may be paying into a product. Aegon announces the acquisition of Cofunds from Legal & General for GBP 140 million (EUR 164 million). For customers - Use this form to apply for an Aegon GIA for a company or a partnership. All charges are subject to VAT and we may vary them in future. The OCF includes some one-off charges that aren't in the TER, but the two measures are otherwise very similar. What assumptions do you make for a dependent's pension? You can have multiple products within a single account if theyre registered to the same name. Then, if you have access, select Switch funds and follow the instructions. Get a Free Account. If you don't do this, your certificate will no longer be valid. If you've completed the request, you'll need to carry out a new request by selecting Manage income from funds on the product summary screen. We value your feedback and we record, evaluate and analyse this so that we can learn with a view to improving your experience with us in the future. Fitzalan Court If your client is female, well assume the dependent is three years older. Please remember to include any supporting information required. Select More options on your client's product summary and then select Drawdown. For financial advisers and customers - Use this form to pay an ad hoc adviser charge, amend an existing ongoing adviser charge, or pay an ongoing adviser charge or service charge from your clients AJ Bell SIPP held by a pension scheme. To complete the activation, youll need to follow the steps and enter your activation code. Financial adviser application form (PDF - 156KB). Use this form to transfer investments from an ISA held with another ISA account manager to the Aegon ISA. What do you mean by habitually resident in the UK? For customers - Use this form to re-register investments from another investment/plan manager into an Aegon General Investment Account (GIA). Confirmation of verification of identity (non-private individual) - CPA (PDF - 100KB). Regular investment strategy instruction (for third party pension products) (PDF - 155KB). Use this form to request a tax-free lump sum or income through a pension plan already in capped drawdown. You can add additional people by completing our AegonAsset Transfer form. In other words, anyone subject to the taper whose adjusted income is 312,000 and over will have an annual allowance of 4,000. Aegon Retirement Choices, One Retirement and Retiready Aegon Platform Nationwide Building Society TargetPlan Aegon and Scottish Equitable Pensions and Bonds If you want to change product details please use the Change to product details form. No. For customers - Use this form to transfer investments between Aegon GIAs held by different customers. Why do you need to know if my client is present if I'm setting up a Direct Debit? To do this, sign in to your account to view your investments. It lets you see how your investments are performing as well as helping you and your adviser make decisions about what to do next. Suffolk Life Self-invested Personal Pension withdrawal form (pdf), Suffolk Life Self-invested Pensions regular investment and amendment form(pdf), Suffolk Life adviser charging form for existing clients(pdf), Regular Investment Strategy Instruction(pdf). The table below covers our most recent report the six-month period from 1 January 2022 to 30 June 2022. What do I do if my mobile number and/or smart device used for sign in verification has changed? Follow the instructions to make a one-off payment by debit card, bank transfer and cheque. The value of any tax relief depends on your individual circumstances. Review of income limits for a capped drawdown pension, At least every three years before client reaches 75 years old and then yearly, Switching capped drawdown pensions to a flexi-access drawdown pension, Payment of the total remaining fund through flexi-access drawdown or UFPLS. If you don't use the latest version of your web browser, there is a chance you're missing out on some of the functionality and security features the latest browser has to offer. Find out how to protect your retirement savings as well as some handy online security tips. Both are Aegon companies. The value of any tax relief depends on your individual circumstances. In practice, an individual is subject to a tax charge (the annual allowance charge) where their pension savings exceed their available annual allowance for a tax year. For documents without a photo the following certification is expected: 'I certify this to be a true copy of the original seen by me.'. For customers - Use this form to apply to hold collective investments from the Aegon Platform in an AJ Bell SIPP. How do Iset up regular contributions online for existing clients? Phone:+44 (0) 3456 04 40 01 Call charges will vary. Use our product listing. Child Trust Fund to Aegon Junior ISA transfer authority (PDF - 165kb). If your financial adviser had a Cofunds microsite, go to their original site and you'll be automatically redirected. Aegon to combine its Dutch business with a.s.r. Please don't email any personal, financial or banking information as it's not a secure method of communication. This information is based on our understanding of current taxation law and HMRC practice, which may change. Can I be a servicing adviser and take fees from the client's account? These roles are associated with our Bulk Data service. If you dont have an adviser, please get in touch with us by phone to withdraw residual balances under 100.00. Aegon ISA charge = 15,000 multiplied by 0.4944% = 6.18, Aegon GIA charge = 7,500 multiplied by 0.4944% = 3.09. No credit card required. If you die after taking benefits from your pension. Your customer number is used to verify your identity/account. Get in touch with us if you're having trouble finding what you are looking for. will apply on the money purchase contributions above 4,000, and. For more information, please visit our FAQ. Sign in to the Aegon Platform to set up and manage regular contributions online. For information about this, please contact us. For customers - Use this form to set up a direct debit from your General Investment Account (GIA). We understand this is a difficult time and want to make the next steps as simple as possible. You should also change your account password as soon as possible. For any other transactions, including withdrawal instructions, please contact Canada Life International directly. In order to get you to the right place, we need to find out a bit more about you. Any payments will be added to your account within two working days. then choose the I've upgraded my account and forgotten my passwordlink. However, you can set up different payment methods for each product you hold. We don't consider employer addresses, business premises or PO boxes as residential. Visit The Website. You can send us a cheque in the post. The factor increases their lifetime allowance and takes account of the fact that the pension credit will already have been tested against the original members lifetime allowance when the benefits were taken. A record of payments due form should also be completed and returned along with the forms above when your client's employer is making a contribution or deducting your client's contribution from their net pay and passing it on to us. Did you know you can complete this process online. For financial advisers only - THis document gives full details about our annual charge, applicable to new customers of the Aegon Platform from May 2018. For customers - Use this form if you have an Aegon SIPP and want to transfer the benefits from that plan to an overseas pension scheme. Youre required to keep your details on your customer dashboard up to date so your product details are kept secure. Our guide will help you through the process. If you've set quarterly automatic rebalancing, the first rebalance will take place four months after that on day 19 of the month, and then quarterly on day 19 of the month thereafter (unless automatic rebalancing is stopped). Inheritable ISA allowance transfer authority (PDF - 34KB). your money purchase contributions from the date the MPAA first applies to you until the end of that tax year are less than the MPAA for that year, the total of all of your pension savings are tested against the annual allowance for the year. View your client's product summary and select theRegulars tab. If you choose an accumulation fund, the reinvested income will be added to your investment, so it may help to grow your savings over the long term. Use this form to allow a Cofunds Pension Account investor to an UFPLS payment from their Cofunds Pension Account. As a result of the cost synergies and identified opportunities for growth, the acquisition of Cofunds will contribute to achieving the group's return on equity target. For financial advisers - Use this form to move all or some clients from one adviser to another within the same company. We may still send some documents by post where an online version isn't currently available. For financial advisers to complete on behalf of the customer - Use this form to request a recurring switch into a cash fund only. We dont allow this to happen as part of our anti-money laundering mitigation. Death benefit nomination/expression of wish (pdf). Heres some suggestions to try to minimise the chances of the bank asking for verification for specific providers: There are exceptions to this such as the first time you submit a debit card payment from a device or location how this is triggered is down to the each bank or building societys rules, so it may vary. If you wish to have servicing rights on your clients account, you'll need to be appointed as the servicing adviser on their products. We use multiple banks to hold your money. For any other transactions, please contact us. Weve included a summary of the changes below: To find out more information about the changes weve made, including the key differences, take a look at our guide Aegon Platform improved transaction history (pdf). You can't carry out this transactions online for your clients Cofunds Pension Account. Select View and Managefor the ISA you wish to bring up to date. This is as follows: There are a number of factors that determine how death benefits from pensions are taxed: If you die before taking benefits from your pension. You can cancel a regular contribution online up until two working days before the collection date. Instructions for submission can be found on the form. Yes, if you have transactional access to your account on the online Customer Dashboard. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website, please read our Cookie Policy. Find the forms or support literature youre looking for by clicking on the categories below: Please complete our Self-invested Personal Pension illustration data capture form and return it to us and we'll send you the illustration and any relevant forms. Discretionary is where you can make investment decisions on your clients behalf. The annual charge is tiered so it reduces as the value of the investments you hold in your account increases as follows: We may vary these charges in future. Preparing for the future can be easy and we're here to help. You may not have transactional access. We display the information in easy to understand tables and charts. Theres no guarantee that fund objectives will be met. Use this form to transfer a Cofunds Pension Account product to another pension provider. For customers - Use this form to transfer an ISA from another ISA account manager into an Aegon ISA. To add a new bank account in your customer dashboard, select Bank detailsfrom your Profile and then Add a bank accountto begin the process. Use this form to request a tax-free lump sum or pension income through flexi-access drawdown. What payment methods can I select for an ad hoc withdrawal? Cardiff If your client's bank details have changed and they want to update where theDirect Debit is taken from, they can contact usto update their bank details. Aegon Self Invested Personal Pension (Aegon SIPP) transfer out (PDF - 170kb). 19 April 2022. Once we have this, we wont ask you again. Investment strategy instruction form - Aegon Platform (PDF - 149KB). A branch panel is set up by your firm for use across the company. The Code aims to enhance the quality of engagement between investors and companies with the aim of improving long-term risk-adjusted returns to shareholders. Can I make additional contributions to my clients ReAssure Portfolio Plus Pension or SIPP online? No - it won't cost you anything to switch funds. This will delete any registered number and/or authentication app. If were unable to deduct a charge due on your Aegon ISA from your Aegon GIA because there isnt enough available cash and/or investments to cover the charge, well direct the charge back and deduct it from your Aegon ISA. Can my client pay the initial adviser charge by Direct Debit? Use this form to verify a marriage certificate in relation to a Cofunds Pension Account application. AIL is the company that manages Aegons open-ended investment company (OEIC) fund ranges. Well invest the balance of the contribution, after payment of initial adviser charge, into the product. You can only make regular payments by Direct Debit. Bulk Data user (if linked to a financial adviser with firm or branch access), and/or. This information is based on our understanding of current taxation law and HMRC practice, which may change. - Xranks. You can contact ReAssure by phone on +44 (0)345 646 0381 (Monday to Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm. Phone:+44 (0) 3456 01 77 21 Call charges will vary. Yes. After youve registered, youll be able to use the Sign in with Unipass link. *The number of new complaints per 1,000 policies in force as at30 June 2022. For security reasons, the activation code we send you expires after 24 hours. Address:Aegon Cofunds Complaints Team,Sunderland, SR43 4DN. Purchase a When you enter your client's debit card details to pay for a single or top-up, WorldPay will automatically check to see if their card is enrolled in the 3D Secure scheme. We'll then need you to confirm the planholders account, their full name, date of birth and address. Contact via email:, Transamerica Life Bermuda, Bermudawebsite, Transamerica Life Bermuda Hong Kongwebsite, Contact via, Transamerica Life Bermuda Singaporewebsite, Contact via, Aegonplein 502591 TV,The Hague,The Netherlands, Email: Contact via phone: +31 70 344 3210, You are about to leave the audited section of Aegon's 2016 Review. For more information, please visit our Pension Technical Zone. The favourable tax treatment of ISAs may not be maintained in the future. Activity, company ), Click on one of the icons to share the company. Use this form to upgrade from a restricted Cofunds Pension Account to a full Cofunds Pension Account. . Cookie Policy. When a new document is available, we'll send an email to the email address we hold on record for them to let them know it's ready to view. If you select pensions savings or full immediate drawdown there are different types of transfers available. An individual panel - you can set this up and only you can view this. KOMPASS,
Select another Aegon website from the list of links below. Other activities auxiliary to financial services, except insurance and pension funding (66190), NACE Rev.2 (EU 2008) :
Income generated from a fund may go down as well as up, in accordance with the dividend payments and/or interest received from the investments it holds. For regular contribution transactions, please complete and submit theSuffolk Life self-invested pensions regular investment and amendment form. Wed need written confirmation of the changes signed by all the trustees. Stockbroker or Insurance broker), Member of the judiciary / Justice of the peace, Member, Associate, or Fellow of a Financial Services professional body, Paralegal (certified or qualified Paralegal or Associate Member of the institute of Paralegals), Post Office official (through the post offices certification service), Member of Parliament, or Scottish / Welsh / Northern Ireland Assembly Member, Embassay, consulate or high commission officer in the country of issue, Government department, Member of staff or official, Write or stamp the name of the company they work for, State their occupation and role within the company. 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