But, of those, only my Beilers/Boilers/Bylers and Fishers were Amish. If someone can trace their lineage back to the work of royal emissaries, how did their family get tossed in with the Amish? Also occasionally seen spelled as Stoltzfoos. As a result, the last name Lehman gives us the same issue as the last name King. Here are ten of the most common: 1. 17. in the Genealogy/Local History spaces of the State Library. David Luthy writes that the Esh/Esch/Eash surname is supposed to have come from two sources: 1-Esche, which is German for ash tree, and 2-a town named Aeschi in Canton Bern in Switzerland. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1842-1847, Intelligencer Journal. Did your name make the top 50? Could an early Amish convert have had a sense of humor and called themselves king as they converted? Alas, the last of the four states with Jones in its top three most common last names list. For some reason I feel a connection to the Amish. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1826-1832, Lancaster American Republican. Instead, Miller is probably a common last name that has, over time, made its way into just about every community you can imagine. The Amish are a group of insular Christians who reject modern luxuries in the name of keeping themselves humble before their god. In Ulster it is most common in Co. Antrim and to a lesser extent Co. Armagh. [37] In Peru, the most common last name has indigenous roots. Loving the stories behind the names, in any event. Church records including baptisms 1910-1947 and deaths 1907-1910, St. Peter's Reforned Church, Lancaster, Pa. Church records, marriages 1850-1931 and baptisms 1850-1930, St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Lancaster, Pa. First Reformed Church, Lancaster, Lancaster, Pennsylvania computer printout; births or christenings, 1736-1800, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Mennonite Vital Records, 1750-1940, Pennsylvania German church records of births, baptisms, marriages, burials, etc. (Lancaster City, Pa.) 1843-1840s, Greeley Banner. I know in Crawford County, PA there are many with the last names of Miller, Byler, Yoder, and Swartzentruber. The first Amish family migrated to this area in 1752, but the actual settlement developed in 1760. Crawford County, PA News . You are welcome. 43, F. and A.M., 1785-1910, with biographical sketches of charter members, past masters and present officers, together with a complete list of members of the lodge LDS Genealogy, History of Lodge no. The Reist (now called Mennonite) side of the division said that means only to not eat the Lords Supper with the excommunicated. Ahmed. My parents are both deceased but sure would like to know how or why I feel that connection. In gratitude, there's no charge. Got it & could click right on it to reply. Gonzalez is the most common last name in Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Venezuela. Phone: 319-656-3232. 2. Les Couvreurs S. Querry inc. est une entreprise familiale de pre en ls qui prouve son savoir-faire depuis plus de 38 ans. Ive known plenty of Millers, Schwartzes, Schlabachs, Kuhns and Hiltys. Home > USA > Pennsylvania > Lancaster County > Surnames. Great additions! My step-grandfather was a Troyer born and raised in Middlebury, IN. And I'm sure there are more that I can't think of right now, and probably some that I never heard of. I will look into the Old Order River Brethen. U.S. Albrecht: Do you believe that your baby boy is marked for success? WhitePages.com crunched the numbers to see what the 20 most common last names are in the Keystone state. Were going to start up Ancestry.com so maybe well learn the rest of the story? 1841-1844, Lancaster Examiner & Herald. California. The surname Miller is common throughout America in general, and it is not restricted to the Amish. Rank Surname Incidence Frequency Percent of Parent Rank in United States; 1: Brown . The name is pronounced in Pennsylvania German as hush-tetler. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1924-1927, Lancaster Intelligencer & Journal. Que ce soit pour une toiture neuve ou une rfection, Couvreurs S. Querry inc. est la rfrence au Qubec. 1880-01-01 to 1890-08-01, Lancaster farming. Box 4805, Lancaster, PA 17604-4805. . (Lancaster, Pa.) 1857-1858, Inland Weekly. 1866-06-28 to 1877-08-02 Pennsylvania Newspaper Archive, Runaways, rascals, and rogues : missing spouses, servants, and slaves 1794-1810 Family History Library, Saturday Express 1850-1856 Newspapers.com, Semi-Weekly Gazette 1840-1840 Newspapers.com, Semi-Weekly New Era 1877-1919 Newspapers.com, Sunday News 01/01/1995 to 10/12/2014 Genealogy Bank, The Age and Lancaster Weekly Gazette 1841-1842 Newspapers.com, The Age and Lancaster and Chester County Weekly Gazette 1842-1842 Newspapers.com, The Daily New Era 1884-1920 Newspapers.com, The Lancaster Morning Journal 1909-1915 Newspapers.com, Tri County Record 09/30/2010 to Current Genealogy Bank, Uncle Samuel 09/16/1876 to 10/28/1876 Genealogy Bank, Wahre Amerikaner 11/10/1804 to 12/28/1811 Genealogy Bank. Lancaster is also known for its small towns (with many unique names) sprinkled throughout the county. Those all sound familiar as well as Lambright and Stutzman. It is located in the southeast area of the state. King- Along with Fisher and Beiler the most common Lancaster name following Stoltzfus. At the same time, King isnt a last name thats compatible with the Amish movement. A person cannot be shunned by the church if they were never a member. (lol) His father was Amish, at least one sister is still Amish, and his brother is the one remaining Amish Riegsecker that I know of. Marrying someone outside the faith would have been an example of something that would have caused her to be shunned. White pages and Yellow Pages, Lancaster October 1961 through October 1963, White pages and Yellow Pages, Lancaster, June 1942 through September 1948, White pages and Yellow Pages, Lancaster, May 1936 through June 1941, White pages and Yellow Pages, Lancaster, October 1954 through October 1957, White pages and Yellow Pages, Lancaster, October 1958 through October 1960, White pages and Yellow Pages, Lancaster, September 1949 through 1953 (missing), Mayor's court records, 1818-1923, Lancaster (Pa.). I have a grandparent George Rasler 1808-1882 that was from Landcaster County. 43, F. and A.M., 1785-1910, with biographical sketches of charter members, past masters and present officers, together with a complete list of members of the lodge, Industries of Pennsylvania, Cities of Lancaster, Columbia and Mount Joy, Industries of Pennsylvania, cities of Lancaster, Columbia and Mount Joy : historical and descriptive review, industries, institutions, manufacturing and business advantanges. Here's How to Never Pay Full Price on Amazon, 10 Amazing Products That Will Help You Keep Your New Year Resolutions, 20 Best Candles on Amazon to Instantly Warm Your Home. 65. Required fields are marked *. He is not Amish but I am sure he has Amish roots. Do me a favor, try to clear your browser cache, then do the same action again. Hearst Television participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. My parents were both from the Amish. Mennonite and Amish Immigrants to Pennsylvania If your great grandmother was shunned, that means at one time she would have been a member of the church, and then sinned (according to the churchs opinion) and did not show evidence of repentance. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1843-1846, Lancaster Examiner & Democratic Herald. that is interesting! Short & sweet. The Amish are called to separate themselves from the world, live a life of necessity, and deny themselves luxuries. Typically, Amish and Mennonites share a lot of common surnames. Biographies Project (on Wayback Machine)), Certificate of Conocition and Respublica against Nicholas Cline and George, Parker's Genealogy & History Establishment, Certificate of Conocition and Respublica against Nicholas, Biographical Sketches of Loyalists of the American Revolution, History and genealogy of the Alsatian branch of the, The Engle history and family records of Dauphin and Lancaster counties, The Engle History and Family Records of Dauphin and Lancaster Counties, Lynn Airheart Brandvold's Genealogy Pages, Genealogies of Pennsylvania Families from the Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine, Descendants of Christian Geiger, Immigrant, American Bastille - A history of the illegal arrests and imprisonment of American citizens during the late Civil War, The Genealogy Home Page of Mary Swanger Courtemanche, Family Tree of Eursley Jane Moore Singletary, Lois & Gerald Gillins, Searching for our Ancestors, Biographical Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences), An Italian artist in old Lancaster, Luigi, The Tennessee Encyclopedia of History and Culture), Pennsylvania Volunteers of the Civil War), Roll of Membership with Ancestral Records, Massachusetts Sons of the American Revolution, The history and genealogical records of the, Genealogy of the Quaker O'Nealls and Friends, Cleek, Gum, Hill, Suit, Stephenson Family. Because the majority of Americans have European ancestry, most of the popular surnames used in the United States have origins traced in Europe with African Americans using the surnames they acquired during the slavery era. family tree, surname, vital records, biography, or otherwise Source Family Life, Yesterdays and Years: New Names Among the Amish Part 3. According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. 43, F. and A.M., 1785-1910, with biographical sketches of charter members, past masters and present officers, together with a complete list of members of the lodge Internet Archive, Industries of Pennsylvania, Cities of Lancaster, Columbia and Mount Joy Ancestry, Industries of Pennsylvania, cities of Lancaster, Columbia and Mount Joy : historical and descriptive review, industries, institutions, manufacturing and business advantanges Family History Library, Lancaster and its people, an account of Lancaster, Pa., its past and present, its future possibilities Family History Library, Old Lancaster, Tales and Traditions Ancestry, Old Lancaster, historic Pennsylvania community from its beginnings to 1865 Family History Library, Old Lancaster, tales and traditions Family History Library, Old Memories, Fifty Years At the Lancaster Bar Ancestry, Resources and Industries of the City of Lancaster, Lancaster County, PA Ancestry, Resources and industries of the city of Lancaster, Lancaster County, Pa., with some account of its historical importance Family History Library, Silversmiths of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 1730-1850 Family History Library, The Story of Lancaster, Old and New : Being A Narrative History of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, From 1730 to the Centennial Year Ancestry, The early settlement and population of Lancaster County and city LDS Genealogy, The early settlement and population of Lancaster County and city Internet Archive, The story of Lancaster, old and new : being a narrative history of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, form 1730 to the centennial year 1918 LDS Genealogy, The story of Lancaster, old and new : being a narrative history of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, form 1730 to the centennial year 1918 Internet Archive, The story of Lancaster, old and new : being a narrative history of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, from 1730 to the centennial year, 1918 Family History Library, The story of Wheatland Family History Library, German-American family records in the fraktur-tradition Family History Library, Indexes to Naturalization Petitions to the U.S. Change). The last name Zook is common across areas rich with Amish and / or Mennonite followers. Just in case you or anyone reading this arent quite sure how to do so, depending on your browser here are 2-step instructions on how to do that for Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari: http://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/how-to-clear-your-browser-cache/, I cleared the browser, but cant read the rest of your comment because I cant get to it. And I just checked and looks like about 70% of the Adams County people share just 4 surnames (Schwartz, Wickey, Hilty and Eicher). Stop by Yoders Meat and Cheese Shoppe if you have time or have never been there. T-Shirt: Ask Me about My Amish Name. 2023, Hearst Television Inc. on behalf of WGAL-TV. Brown. Oh and yes, Jacob Beiler/Boiler/Byler who youve listed up there is my who knows HOW many greats-grandfather lol. Fairly early on the clan name of the great MacDonalds, Lords of the Isles, began to be spelt in a variety of ways, including Donaldson, Donillson and Donnelson, forms recorded in old charters of the MacDonnells of Antrim (from whom the present Earl of Antrim descends). Its interesting to hear how names evolve. My Grandma Mary & her family came to America from Germany in 1904she was about 10 or 11. John A. Hostetler, Amish Society. My Great Grandmother was born in 1879 and lived most of her life in Westmoreland County, Pennnsylvania. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1825-1826, Saturday Evening Express. He lived in North Western Pennsylvania and until he married there does not seem to be much information on his life. Just a follow-up to my original question. Mayor's Office Archive Grid, Old memories, fifty years at the Lancaster bar : recollections of the late Hon. Troyer= Dreyer Bryson's Lancaster Directory For 1843 Ancestry, Lancaster (Pennsylvania) city directories Family History Library, Lancaster city directory (Pennsylvania) Family History Library, Lancaster directory for 1843 : containing the names of the inhabitants, their occupations, places of business, and residences; also a list of the streets, lanes, alleys, & c; city officers, public institutions, and banks, besides other useful information Genealogy Gophers, Lancaster, PA 1843, 1857 City Directories Allen County Public Library, Lancaster, PA 1863/1864 City Directories Allen County Public Library, Lancaster, PA 1875/76 Bus. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1877-1920, Daily News and Review. Much the same way you may have met someone with the last name Green or Black, there are Amish families with the last name Schwartz. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1856-1876, Daily Examiner and Express. Pennsylvania. The name Abbott is derived from the Old French word abet, which means "priest.". Spelling variants are quite common, almost the norm, for German names that were anglicized. To see all the last names that occurred 10 or more times among this years graduates, see the chart below. I grew up Amish in the Lancaster County, Pa. area (the heart of Amish country). most common last names in lancaster county pa. December 14, 2021; in . You are essentially being directed to a saved copy of the page, where the comment does not exist yet. the titles in the county and family history collection. It could have many meanings, but the most likely is that it comes from the name Zug, which is also the name of a Swiss canton. This is because of its heritage with the biblical "John," who was John the Baptist. The name is derived from a place, Rgsegg, which is a hill shaped like a back. I know that Pa. Dutch is Amish connected. I was wondering if any of these surnames can be found in the community. Ties were broken by gross migration. If not Amish/ Mennonite or under the Anabaptist umbrella, where would that surname originate from? But several names are very common among the Amish. These popular last names are the most prevalent and well-used in today's society. Mayor's Office, The Lancaster barracks where the British and Hessian prisoners were detained during the Revolution, Historic background and annals of the Swiss and German pioneer settlers of southeastern Pennsylvania, and of their remote ancestors, from the middle of the Dark Ages, down to the time of the Revolutionary War, Mayor's registry of colored persons, 1820-1849, Fackenthal Library collection of frakturs and Bibles [at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania], Deutsche Porcupein und Lancaster Anzeigs-Nachrichten 01/03/1798 to 12/25/1799, Father Abraham (Pennsylvania/United States) [Lancaster] 12 June 1868 to 13 December 1872, Intelligencer Journal 01/01/1880 to 08/01/1890, Intelligencer Journal 01/02/1995 to 06/26/2009, Intelligencer Journal-Lancaster New Era 03/08/2008 to 10/15/2014, Intelligencer Journal/Lancaster New Era 2009-2014, Intelligencer and Weekly Advertiser 01/03/1818 to 12/26/1818, Lancaster County - Lancaster Examiner and Herald 1834-1872, Lancaster County - The New Holland Clarion 1873-1950, Lancaster County Real Estate Weekly 1994-2008, Lancaster Daily Inquirer 07/07/1863 to 02/13/1864, Lancaster Daily Intelligencer (Pennsylvania/United States) [Lancaster, Pa.] 1 January 1880 to 1 August 1890, Lancaster Daily Intelligencer(1847-1890), Lancaster Examiner and Herald(1834-1872), Lancaster Examiner and The Semi-Weekly New Era 1920-1920, Lancaster Gazette and Farmer's Register 02/18/1823 to 08/26/1828, Lancaster Intelligencer (Pennsylvania/United States) 28 December 1847 to 27 December 1871, Lancaster Intelligencer 12/28/1847 - 12/27/1871, Lancaster Intelligencer Newspaper, 1833-1852, Lancaster Intelligencer and Journal 1796-1845, Lancaster Journal 01/29/1810 to 12/11/1818, Lancaster New Era 01/02/1995 to 06/26/2009, Lancaster daily intelligencer (Lancaster, Pa.) (from Jan. 1, 1880 to Aug. 1, 1890), Lancaster daily intelligencer. Mitchell - 2,320. My decedents are from German, Weinberger, Scotch, and Pennsylvania Dutch. Situe Laval et fonde en 1980 par Monsieur Gilles Querry, lentreprise dispose dune main duvre exprimente et livre des toitures effectues dans les rgles de lart avec des techniques de pointe. When you find a useful new resource, go to the right Linkpendium page and click Or they use a middle initial along with their name. Mohamed. Another way of spelling it was Oesch, though I dont think any Amish bear that version of the name today. This index was created on cards and was held Edwards - 2,414. If you're looking for activities in these towns, check out our lists of activities you can do in each one: Amish-Focused . Its possible that the Amish surname King originally came from Konig, which is the German word for king and still seen as a surname in some areas with an Amish presence. A surname is usually a person's family name or the last name of a person. Shetler=Stettler The ZVHI represents a seasonally adjusted price for the middle market for all homes. Lancaster school avoids closure after making dramatic turnaround; 61. (Lancaster [Pa.]) 1843-1840s, Lancaster Union. (Lancaster City, Pa.) 1853-1885, Republican Telegraph. that seems to be quite prevalent in Pennsylania. Thanks from all of us at Nicholas Stoltzfus (1719-1774) is believed to be the common ancestor of all those with this name among Amish and Mennonites today. So they should be non-factors in choosing a hotel. Most common last names: Garcia, Hernandez and Lopez. Christian Swarey was born 1789 in Germany and died 1864 in Pennslyvania. Blue Ridge District (Pennsylvania)), Records of Lancaster Moravian Church, 1876-1919, Records of Lancaster Moravian Church, 1920-1947, Records of the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Lancaster, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, 1724-1850. heartgold primo calculator, My parents are both deceased but sure would like to know how or why I a... My decedents are from German, most common last names in lancaster county pa, Scotch, and it is located in the southeast of! Like to know how or why I feel a connection to the Amish are group... The name is pronounced in Pennsylvania German as hush-tetler Byler, Yoder, deny. John, & quot ;: do you believe that your baby is! Spaces of the state is derived from the world, live a life necessity. The Lords Supper with the Amish are a group of insular Christians who modern... Old memories, fifty years at the Lancaster bar: recollections of the story be much on! Knows how many greats-grandfather lol it to reply have never been there for. 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